A Truly Holistic Approach at I-Rise Dental Boutique
Holistic Approach
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A Truly Holistic Approach at I-Rise Dental Boutique

When you visit Dr. Anu Mohan and the team at I-Rise Dental Boutique in Del Mar, California, we not only provide oral health treatment but also look at how the state of your teeth, mouth, and gums affect your overall well-being. We go beyond conventional dentistry to provide you with a comprehensive and interconnected approach that extends far beyond just a beautiful smile. We believe that oral health is intrinsic to your whole-body health. Explore how our diverse treatments work together harmoniously to achieve your best health.

Why A Holistic Approach?

When you visit a dentist who doesn’t approach your oral health holistically, they will often just be treating your symptoms. If you have a toothache, you will get a filling. If you have an infected tooth, you will receive a root canal. However, when you visit a holistic dentist like Dr. Mohan, your symptoms will be viewed as part of a larger problem. What habits or underlying health concerns may have led to a decaying or infected tooth? How could existing gum disease be impacting other systems within your body?

By integrating advanced techniques and personalized care, we aim to provide you with a dental experience that addresses immediate concerns and contributes to a lifetime of optimal health. When it comes to receiving treatment, you can rest easy knowing that we only use biocompatible materials that will not result in any adverse reaction in your body.

Our Treatments Are Aimed at Making A Better and Healthier You Overall!

As Dr Mohan develops your treatment and procedure plan for you, we do so with a holistic approach in mind. Our cutting-edge treatments work seamlessly together to result in a better you!

Some examples of this are:

  • Laser Regenerative TherapyUsing the latest in laser technology, we can make your visit with us more comfortable and stimulate your body’s STEM cells to promote faster and more effective healing. This results in bone, gum, and connective tissue regeneration
  • Clear Aligners: Teeth that are crooked or misaligned do more than create an unattractive appearance. It can also lead to issues with properly cleaning your teeth, leading to an enhanced risk of oral disease. Also by fixing the alignment and the bite of your teeth (occlusion) you are not only fixing the way your teeth look but also balance the bite forces that transfer to the jaw bone that result in regenerating healthier bone, gum & connective tissue (because the body is smart to realize that you need strong bone/gum/connective tissue to handle the increased forces).. Straightening your teeth with clear aligners will not only improve the appearance of your smile but also boost your overall self-image/confidence: so there is a psychological angle to this as well. Dr.Mohan using this holistic approach is definitely looking at all these factors before recommend a treatment plan to her patients: how can I help you as a dentist with your overall well-being.
  • Dental Implants: A dental implant does more than just replace a missing tooth. They are anchors that lead to improvement in your overall health. When you restore the stability of your bite with a dental implant, you are also improving the stability of your jawbone and supporting facial structures. Dr.Mohan firmly believes that your body is super smart: when you have missing teeth for a long time the body figures that it could use the calcium from the bones where the teeth were removed could now be used elsewhere in the body. Hence by placing the implant post you are essentially re-triggering the body to regenerate healthy bone/connective/gum tissue at the site where implants are placed. Also by getting your missing teeth back it boosts your overall self-image and will impact in a big time with your overall well being. 

Experience The Difference Of Holistic Dentistry

Please schedule a consultation with our team by calling (858) 465-8717 to discover how our holistic approach can benefit you and your health.

The journey to a healthier, more vibrant smile and body starts right here at I-Rise Dental Boutique!

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